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Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first? B_160_400_0_d6d6d6_e7eb14_cbce4b_1411a6_1_1_0
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» Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first?
Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first? Empty22nd February 2015, 09:52 by McCansee

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 Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first?

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Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first? Empty
PostSubject: Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first?   Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first? Empty22nd February 2015, 09:52

Why it is so hard to understand which bunker first?

Ok, maybe you are a beginner, then I will explain (all others have their own opinion...blah blah..):

The gametype BASE ASSAULT is a result of all things like bunker break, plant and so on. But also it is a result HOW to do. If your enemy respawns next to - what will that bring? Nothing as problems. So it is easier to  switch their spawn away! How? Simple - attack first what we call the important bunker first!

At germans: 1 also 3, 2 last
At allies: 1 also 3, 2 last

At germans: better 1 then 3, 2 MUST BE last
At allies: ONLY 2 first then easier 3 and 1 last(but works also reverse)

At germans: 1 also 3, 2 last
At allies: 1 also 3, 2 last

At germans: 3 also 2(but go over 3!), 1 last
At allies: must 3, cause respawn can switch to 3! 1 must be last

At germans: 1 also 3, 2 last
At allies: 3 only!  I had a lot of games we lost when 2 last, so I mean 1 should be last!

What will it bring if you attack a wrong bunker? The team will be angry and if someone is able to use rcon...
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